To the request made by the EDB to Secretary- Ministry of Defense on the issues of opening up of the boxes etc. of fresh fruits & vegetables exports at the cargo check point of the Air Port, EDB was able to obtain an appointment with Commander Air Force to discuss the matter. Accordingly a meeting was held at the Air Force Head Quarters with the Commander and other officials of Air Force and Officials of EDB.
The matter, opening up of boxes at the check point was discussed in length at the above meeting and the Sri Lanka Air force recommended to implement the following security measures in order to iron out the existing issues at the cargo check point, as agreed by both parties.
A proper security seal (similar to Sri Lankan Cargo Security Sticker) is to be placed on each box prior to dispatching to the Air Port. (Pl. see the description below)
All fresh fruit & vegetable exporters should inform the details of their shipments including details of vehicles and drivers to the commanding officer at SL Air Force Station Bandaranaike International Air Port at least 3 days prior to the shipment
All boxes should be packed, sealed and loaded in to the vehicle in the presence of a responsible Officer nominated by respective committee.
The respective company should provide a security certificate confirming that the consignment does not carry any Arms, Ammunition, explosive or other kind of dangerous articles that may endanger property or personal
Above No 1:
As guided at the above meeting EDB contacted the Sri Lankan Cargo Security Sticker printer and inform him the requirement. (Association could be decided any other information to be printed to secure your goods)
Sticker Size - 20mm x 80mm (2 Colours Printed) - Form of the sticker: Black Letters on Luminous Green Back Ground
Data to be printed on the sticker - PACKED AND SEALED BY - COMPANY NAME
Please obtain a quotation from the Sri Lankan Cargo Security Sticker printer and the quotation we received in year 2014 is attached for your information. You could directly contact the company to print stickers OR you could select any other suitable printer. (to the given specification)
IMPORTANT : If you would like to adhere to the above criteria your shipment will not be open/ checked at the cargo check point outside the airport.
If you follow the above procedures and once you get your stickers printed kindly send us your company details enabling us to forward the company list to the Commander Air Force to make this process activated.
Shipment of those who are not following the above procedures will be checked at the airport as usual.
Please send all the stickers through the Association for us to submit to the relevant authorities.